Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Ponytail and more!

S is unbelievable. She is the sweetest little girl. She smiles at everyone, wrinkles her nose and laughs at the slightest amusement, and gives the sloppiest, most affectionate kisses ever. Her eyes have slowly changed color from solid blue to blue with gold and green streaks.

Her first tooth is firmly visible and I think we're working on our second tooth. She says "mama" all the time which is music to my ears, and she loves to blow raspberries on command. Her hair is finally long enough for a tiny ponytail on the top of her head.

R and I took her to the Outer Banks, NC with R's parents for a weekend trip. It was her first trip to the ocean. She was fearless and loved the water and waves! She also loved the sand between her toes.

She loves to sit on her Papa's shoulders and go for long walks. She bounces on his shoulders and giggles with glee. It is such a sight to see! One of my favorite things to do is nap with her on the weekends. Her cuddles take my breath away.

Here are some recent pictures:

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