Monday, April 13, 2009

Look how she's grown

At five months, S is in the 74th percentile for weight and in the 78th percentile for height. Wow. It seems like she may have inherited her height from Aunt M or Uncle C. Time will tell! She now weighs 15lb 12oz and is 25.5 long. She grew 1.5 inches in the last month alone! Here are her statistics so far...

Birth 6lb 6oz (14%)
2 mo. 11lb 8oz (70%)
4 mo. 14lb 4oz (69%)
5 mo. 15lb 12oz (74%)

Birth 19.25in (48%)
2 mo. 22.50in (67%)
4 mo. 24.00in (50%)
5 mo. 25.50in (78%)